Language: ITA, ENG
Here is the list of games, programs, and utilities for the Commodore 64, in the following formats: PRG, P00, audio MP3, disk D64, cartridge CRT, TapeCart TCRT, TAP, and BIN. They can be loaded on a Commodore 64 and can also be used with emulators (including for PC, such as CCS64 and VICE).
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Useful links:
Amadeus Revenge (1988) (Systems Editoriale - Commodore 64 Club) | |
Commodore 64 Game - Single file P00 | 27,8 KB |
Amadeus Revenge (1988) (Systems Editoriale - Commodore 64 Club) | |
Commodore 64 Game - Single file PRG | 27,8 KB |
Amaurote | |
Commodore 64 Game - Single file P00 | 43,6 KB |
Amaurote (1987) (Mastertronic) | |
Commodore 64 Game - TAP Cassette | 519,0 KB |
Amaurote (1987) (Mastertronic) | |
Commodore 64 Game - Single file PRG | 31,5 KB |
Amazer | |
Commodore 64 Game - Single file P00 | 1,3 KB |
Amazfac1 | |
Commodore 64 Game - Single file P00 | 3,6 KB |
Amazfac2 | |
Commodore 64 Game - Single file P00 | 3,7 KB |
Amazin1 | |
Commodore 64 Game - Single file P00 | 5,1 KB |
A-mazin1 | |
Commodore 64 Game - Single file P00 | 2,8 KB |
Amazin2 | |
Commodore 64 Game - Single file P00 | 3,2 KB |
A-mazin2 | |
Commodore 64 Game - Single file P00 | 2,7 KB |
Amazing | |
Commodore 64 Game - Single file P00 | 25,8 KB |
Amazing Spider-man The (version A) | |
Commodore 64 Game - TAP Cassette | 635,4 KB |
Amazing Spider-man, The | |
Commodore 64 Game - CRT Cartridge | 80,2 KB |
Amazing Spider-man, The | |
Commodore 64 - Magic Desk BIN | 80,0 KB |
Amazing Spiderman, The (1990) (MicroProse) | |
Commodore 64 Game - Single file P00 | 49,3 KB |
Amazing Spiderman, The (1990) (MicroProse) | |
Commodore 64 Game - Single file PRG | 49,3 KB |
Amazing Spider-man, The-[ex] | |
Commodore 64 Game - Single file PRG | 34,8 KB |
Amazinga | |
Commodore 64 Game - Single file P00 | 13,8 KB |